August 9, 2008

Busy Days

Oh man, the last couple of days have been so busy. It all started with the painters finally calling on Wednesday and saying that he could get to painting our house the next day, Thursday. We were suppose to have a week notice. So Mike and I get home from work to work on getting everything off and away from the walls.

Thursday I don't work, and the painters were here all day, so I was kept busy keeping everyone out of their way.

Friday, after work, was shopping for rugs since we made a change to the color in the kitchen.

And today, was shopping all day too. Finalizing the rugs, getting school supplies and clothes, and some new things for the kitchen. And also putting everything back in their place from the painting.

It is exciting, but man I am so ready to just sit and relax for an hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad when everything is done and you can just enjoy it all?