When Tate has a loose tooth there is no way that you are touching it. Two nights ago his second loose tooth was just hanging by a thread, but of course you can't touch it. So we are all done brushing his teeth for the night and Tate goes to spit and he see blood. Looking in his mouth we find his tooth is missing. Unfortunately the water is running and I think that it went down the drain. Now raises the problem of how will the tooth fairy find it. Quick thinking mom says that the tooth fairy has extra special vision and she can spot loose teeth anywhere. The next day after he sees the money the questions don't stop. We have "how does she get the money that she puts under your pillow" and "why do I never see or hear her". The later was easy to answer but the first still has me reeling for an answer. If you have one let me know!!
Will's hockey team had a game the other night. The games are a little better to watch when we are not getting slaughtered! This was a close one, the score was zero to one mid-way through the third period (other teams favor). I feel so sorry for Will and his team mates, they just don't have any star quality and this year has been really tough.
Our new washer is suppose to be coming today. I am excited to use it, but the washer gets cold on the truck so the little water that is in it will freeze. So one day is need to make sure no water is frozen. I will have to let you know tomorrow how I like it.

I am debating if I should put in a submission to a scrapbook web-store for their design team. Not sure if my pages are up to par. I guess that I just should because you never know if you don't try! The bubbles page is one that I put on their website for view.
Have a great day! And try and stay warm if you are out and about in Minnesota!
Tell Tate he has Tooth Fairy insurance! Just like if there was an accident on the job that you would be compensated for! I don't think he'd go for it!...I tried!
Tell Tate the the tooth fairy robbed a bank! ha ha....you know me....
And DEFINATELY send in the scrapbooking pages for contests and get over yourself. I've never been that good nor ever will be. I'm always stunned by how creative you are. I just look to copy stuff out of the S.U. catalog.
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