Well, a couple days later and I achieved getting my header changed. Hopefully things get easier or I am not sure if I am going to continue with this. I did find a neat website that will help with blog functions. The site is
betabloggerfordummies. Hope you can find it useful also.
So on to the happens in the household, well of course when you just think that things are on there way to being paid off something breaks. I just put a load of laundry in and was just about upstairs and I heard a big thump. So the cloths washer is not working. And of course another bill for a new one.
Mike took Tate ice skating last night. Or maybe I should say "kayting" as Tate says. He still has trouble saying "s". Mike was only going to gone about an half an hour. An hour and a half later I had to call him on his cell to tell him that they should come home so Tate can get to bed. I guess Tate really enjoyed himself. Mike had made a "walker" to help Tate skate. Tate actually would push the walker to Mike and then kind of skate towards Mike. Some high school student was there making a documentary on skating and asked to film Tate. So now Tate is not just a skater but a film star!
Will started the new quarter in high school. High school is going so well for him. He has five classes and I guess the neighbor girl is in three of them. The funny thing is that in all of people in town their last name falls right after us. So she ends up sitting right beside Will. It is
ok with Will just he would like a change.
The end of the quarter grades should be arriving soon and Will is so hoping to be on the A honor roll. He is always so close, I think that if he didn't make it this quarter it will be the closest that he has ever been.